Published this month by ENCAT, the Technical Note 2019.001 introduces new rules and changes existing rules for validating several fields of the Electronic Invoice (NF-e), model 55, and the Electronic Consumer Invoice (NFC-e), model 65. The companies that issue these documents have until September 2nd, expected date for the changes to go into production, to ratify whether the new rejections and rules created for field validation apply to your business and the tax status of your product(s) and make the necessary adjustments. NT 2019.001 changes will start to be applied in the homologation environment from July 1st.
“Companies need to make sure that all fields listed in the technical note are mapped and being used in their invoice issuing systems”, emphasizes the coordinator of Electronic Documents at Homine, Júlio César Correia.
According to the coordinator, it is also up to the companies to consult the Sefaz in their state to confirm whether all the technical note validation rules will be applied by the entity. Although most of them have mandatory application, the implementation of some rules will be at the discretion of the state secretariat.
Below, the list of NF-e and NFC-e groups and databases that have undergone changes:
The new validations aim to give more reliability and precision to the information provided by taxpayers in invoices, especially those referring to taxes. For example, rules were created that make it mandatory to inform the reason for exemption and the amount of ICMS exempted; others require the Tax Benefit Code and information on the percentage of the ICMS ST Added Value Margin.
Other important changes include validation of the issuer's Corporate Name in the Sefaz register and verification of the content of the tag cNF (Invoice code) which cannot be the same as the nNF (Invoice number), contain sequences with the same numbers (22222222, 55555555 etc.), nor sequences like 12345678 or 23456789.
Click HERE to access the full version of NT 2019.001. For more details, contact Homine specialists by phone (11) 5555-2012 or email The messaging customers Signature, a solution implemented by Homine in the ERPs to issue and receive invoices and all communication with Sefaz, they also have access to our support service and can open a call for questions.
Companies can also hire consultancy services if they need technical support in mapping and including the fields listed in the technical note.