HomSoft is our proprietary solution to automate the receipt of electronic tax documents in the SAP ERP.


HomSoft is a solution developed by Homine Tecnologia to optimize entry time and ensure the accuracy of electronic tax documents from material suppliers and service providers.

HomSoft automatically enters the following tax processes:


  • Purchases of raw materials, materials for use and consumption, and fixed assets, with purchase order in SAP.
  • Subcontracting processes, with receipt of 1 NF-e containing the industrialized items and the return of used goods.


  • Purchase of services rendered with orders registered in SAP (with Service Entry Sheet or as Goods Receipt.


  • Purchase of transport services with an order generated in SAP.
  • Transport expenses included as additional costs in the purchase order, via a subsequent debit transaction.


Easily integrated into your reception environment's messaging, the solution works seamlessly with the SAP ERP, based on SAP's best practices, bringing total security in the exchange of information.

  • The XML of NF-es, NFS-es and CT-es issued against your company go to messenger by automatic search or e-mail;
  • Your partners can use the free Supplier Portal to upload the NFS-es, which are converted into XML and integrated into the ERP. The portal generates protocols that facilitate the tracking of invoices between customer and supplier;
  • the module HomIntegrator mediates and integrates XMLs between messaging and SAP;
  • HomeSoft assigns the XML to the purchase order, collates the data and validates the information;
  • MIGO and MIRO transactions are committed automatically in SAP.
