Photo credit: Disclosure Sefaz. The electronic consumer invoice (NFC-e) replaces the consumer sales invoice, model 2, and the invoice.
For 2019, several changes are scheduled for the layout of the electronic commercial invoice (NF-e) and the electronic consumer invoice (NFC-e). Among them, the inclusion of new fields, the creation of new validation rules and rejection codes, in addition to changes in the layout of DANFE – Documento Auxiliar da NF-e, as shown in the Technical Note 2018.005, published earlier this month by ENCAT, entity responsible for the National Coordination of Electronic Tax Document Projects.
The highlight is the creation of the optional Technical Responsible group and respective Technical Responsible Security Code (CSRT), which identifies the company responsible for the software used by the taxpayer to issue electronic invoices. And to meet a demand from companies, improvements were made to the Treasury Department (Sefaz) system to facilitate obtaining the Authorization Protocol for the banknote in cases of rejection due to duplicity.
Changes must be available in Sefaz's approval environment by February 25th, starting production in April 29th. “We are rolling out the developments to our Signature messaging and will soon begin working with our customers to make the changes” , comments Homine's Electronic Documents coordinator, Júlio César Correia. Although some changes are not mandatory, the coordinator advises companies to make changes to their systems to avoid future problems.
We list below what changes in the layout of NF-e and NFC-e. For more details on the changes, see the Technical Note 2018.005 or contact the Homine team by phone (11) 3383-4025 or e-mail: Through our messaging Signature, we issue commercial invoices for customers and all communication of information with Sefaz.
. Technical Manager and Technical Manager Security Code (CSRT) – a new group of fields was created to identify the company that developed or was technically responsible for the NF-e/NFC-e issuing system. It will be at the discretion of the Sefaz of each State to require a security code for the company, which will be generated through a web page.
. Identification of Pickup Location and Delivery Location – new fields to detail information about the establishment and the addresses of the delivery and pick-up locations.
. ICMS ST transfer group – inclusion of fields to inform the Fund to Combat Poverty (FCP) previously withheld by Tributary Replacement.
. Message of interest from Sefaz – change in the information group of the Sefaz Response Protocol, so that the entity can include a message to the taxpayer.
. Duplicate Rejection Authorization Protocol – change in the Sefaz Response Protocol information group so that, in case of duplicate rejection, the secretariat can return the previously generated authorization protocol for the invoice.
. Specific detailing of medication and pharmaceutical raw materials – amendment to inform the reason for exemption from registration of the drug at ANVISA.
. Changes to the layout of DANFE – field to identify the Shipping Mode and option to display the Delivery and Pickup Location information.