Homine concluded on July 12th another electronic invoice 4.0 project (NF-e), this time in AgroFresh, a company that develops technologies to keep fruits and vegetables fresh for longer.
SAP and solution were updated Signature, which issues tax documents for the inclusion of new fields in the NF-e layout 4.0. The new version of the invoice came into effect on August 2, deactivating the previous one, 3.10.
The project, coordinated by Homine and carried out remotely, lasted two months and had a dedicated team of six professionals, including an international consultant.
“We had some technical challenges and we still managed to complete the project in record time, considering that we updated the systems and applied all SAP technical notes”, commemorates the Homine PMO responsible for the project, José Geraldo Garcia.
For the project, Homine used a specialist consultant in invoice issuing processes, who was already assigned to AgroFresh, which gave more agility and efficiency to the implementation of adjustments. “This allowed for a more effective test generation and the errors found in the validations were very well documented, which allowed us to attack the problems quickly and objectively”, emphasizes José Garcia.
The partnership and good relationship between AgroFresh and Homine also contributed to the success of the project. Homine was the consultancy that implemented version 3.10 of the NF-e at AgroFresh in Brazil, in addition to having carried out other SAP consultancy projects for the company in Argentina and Chile, and soon, in Mexico.
In July, Homine completed two more NF-e 4.0 projects at GEA and Kelvion. Large companies from various segments, such as emerson, LyondellBasell, Matell, Hilti, Cargill and BASF, have had their systems recently updated by Homine.
Due to the mandatory new layout introduced by the Brazilian government, Homine has carried out, since 2017, numerous projects that include updating SAP to the new standard, in addition to updating or implementing the Signature solution, which issues documents and all communication of information with the Treasury Department (Sefaz).