The new layout 4.0 of the electronic invoice (NF-e) becomes mandatory as of August 2, 2018, as reported yesterday by ENCAT (Technical Coordination of the National Meeting of State Tax Coordinators and Administrators) and State Treasury Departments ( Sefaz).
The Technical Note update changes the previously established date of July 2 for the deactivation of version 3.10, giving companies more time to adapt to the new 4.0 model. After the new date, notes issued in the old standard, 3.10, will no longer be validated by Sefaz.
Homine has worked with its customers to update the solution Signature, which issues tax documents, adapting them to the new standard. Today, large companies from the most diverse market segments use the solution in the country and, since 2017, have been migrating to NF-e 4.0.
“We supported and guided this update and established solid estimates of time and cost of implementation, after all we have on the horizon the deadline of August 2nd to carry out all migrations”, points out Júlio César Correia, coordinator of Electronic Documents at Homine.
Some companies have taken advantage of the moment to change their NF-e solution, generating new business for Homine. “Right now, we are implementing the solution in three new customers and the trend is for demand to increase in the coming weeks”, concludes the coordinator.
For more information about Homine's electronic documents tool, see the page Solutions on our website.